Student Activities Office

The Archbishop Rummel Ambassadors are given the privilege of being a liaison between our school and our Raider community. They exemplify the best of Archbishop Rummel by being high achieving students as well as well-rounded individuals. These are the student leaders that plan campus events, and are tasked with being the first line of contact for the student body, alumni, and prospective future Raiders and their families. Archbishop Rummel Ambassadors exhibit the best qualities of our school at all times by living a life of faith, community, and service as stated in our mission statement.
Moderator: Mr. Maddux Meariman | [email protected]
Art Club
Members of the Art Club work diligently on projects in a diverse range of artistic media for both public and private exposition. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Ms. Danielle McLeod | [email protected]
Big Brothers
Big Brothers is a group of upperclassmen who serve as mentors to the eighth grade class, encouraging them to get involved on campus and helping them become accustomed to life at Rummel. Membership is open only to juniors and seniors and is by application only.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Primes | [email protected]
Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry team serves the faculty, staff, and student body of Archbishop Rummel by promoting the liturgy, running retreats, and inviting the community into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Membership is open only to juniors and seniors and is by application only.
Moderator: Mr. Alex Lorio | [email protected]
Chess Club
The Chess Club Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. David Basile | [email protected]
eSports Team
Still in early development, the eSports Team hopes to soon begin competition in the LHSAA eSports league. Team membership is open to any student who is serious about competitive video gaming.
Moderator: vacant | contact the Director of Student Activities
Fishing Club
The Rummel Fishing Club provides opportunities for students to participate in recreational fishing. During Lent, the Fishing Club hosts Friday Fish Fries on campus after school. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: vacant | contact the Director of Student Activities
Genesian Players
The Genesian Players, named in honor of St. Genesius, is Archbishop Rummel’s theatre group. Their two major stage productions are hosted in the fall and spring, with auditions typically taking place at the beginning of each semester. Membership is open to all Rumm l students and students from local Catholic girls’ schools.
Guitar Club
The Guitar Club promotes the acoustic and electric guitar among students in a wide range of musical styles. Membership is open to any student committed to improving his musical skill.
Moderator: Dr. Brian Credo | [email protected]
The intramurals program takes place exclusively during lunchtime and includes a rotating schedule of sports, including cornhole, basketball, softball, and football. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Matthew Kennedy | [email protected]
Latin Club
The Latin Club celebrates Roman and classical culture, and each spring members compete for the coveted Libertas Trophy in the Ancient Trivia Tournament. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Joshua LeBoeuf | [email protected]
Library Club
Students in the Library Club assist Ms. Lee with helping maintain the library and helping make it a vibrant and scholarly space on campus. Membership is open to all students.
Literary Magazine
Awaiting its first publication in the spring, the Literary Magazine is yet to be named, and it will feature submissions of fiction, photography, and artwork. Any student may submit work for publishing, though not all works will be selected.
Moderator: Dirk Tillman | [email protected]
Leader Academy
Sponsored by Chick-fil-A, the Leader Academy trains the young men of Archbishop Rummel to step into leadership roles and engages them in service to the community. Membership is by application only.
Moderator: Dr. Carol Langston | [email protected]
Math Club
Members of the junior high Math Club compete alongside the members of Mu Alpha Theta in local and state math competitions while pursuing their own development as mathematicians. Membership is open only to eighth and ninth graders; upperclassmen should seek membership in Mu Alpha Theta.
Moderators: Ms. Brianne Bell | [email protected] & Ms. Julie Long | [email protected]
Men of Christ
Founded in the fall of 2023, Men of Christ is a community of Raiders seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in holiness, and share their faith with the world. Members participate in prayer, Bible study, and acts of service. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Primes | [email protected]
Mu Alpha Theta
The honor society for math students, Mu Alpha Theta members represent Rummel at math competitions and work with the underclassmen of Math Club. Membership is open only to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Moderators: Ms. Julie Long | [email protected]
National Honor Society
The four pillars of National Honor Society are scholarship, service, leadership, and character, and members serve year-round as tutors and once per year in a group service project. Membership is by selection of the Faculty Council and is open only to rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Primes | [email protected]
National English Honor Society
NEHS celebrates the achievement of students in their English coursework and in their fiction and nonfiction compositions. Membership is by selection of the Faculty Council and is open only to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Moderators: Ms. Jennifer Drouant | [email protected] & Ms. Ronnie McKenna | [email protected]
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS honors young men who are already exemplary in scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship; members will participate in tutoring, leadership training, and service projects throughout the year. Membership is by selection of the Faculty Council and is open only to freshmen.
Moderator: Ms. Chandler Schonacher | [email protected]
Ping Pong Club
The Ping Pong Club meets after school in the sophomore wing several times per week, and members compete in casual games of table tennis. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Joel Neill | [email protected]
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl is a team academic competition testing all kinds of trivia. The quiz bowl team practices after school and competes on weekends throughout the year. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Joshua LeBoeuf | [email protected]
Raider Band
The Raider Band is a coeducational program with Archbishop Chapelle High School. The programs hosts marching, jazz, and concert bands and has a rigorous competition schedule. Membership is by audition only.
Moderators: Mr. Telly S. Higgins | [email protected] & Mr. Jacob St. Pierre | [email protected]
Raiders’ Digest
Founded in 1962, the Raiders’ Digest is Rummel’s school newspaper. In the 2023-24 school year, Raiders’ Digest will publish four issues. Membership is open to all students interested in writing, reporting, or photography.
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Drouant | [email protected]
Raiders for Life
Members of Raiders for Life promote pro-life causes on campus and in the community, recognizing and defending the dignity of life from conception to natural death. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Brother B | [email protected]
Robotics Team
The Robotics Team designs and builds robots both for fun and for competition. Membership is open to all students willing to learn robotics design.
Moderator: Mr. Bob Whitman | [email protected]
Rummel Streaming Network
RSN produces a regular news segment covering all aspects of campus life. Members participate in interviewing, anchoring, reporting, and video editing. Membership is limited to current and past members of the TV Production course.
Moderator: Mr. Korry Melton | [email protected]
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Club
A club for students interested in any kind of science fiction or fantasy movies, games, books, or media, this group meets regularly to share their interests and promote interest in the genre on campus. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Drouant | [email protected]
Spanish Club
Spanish Club honors Hispanic and Latino cultures and promotes the Spanish language on campus, sponsoring the school’s annual Cinco de Mayo celebration. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Jeffrey Hines | [email protected]
Stock Exchange Club
Students who are interested in business and trading stocks participate in this group to learn more about the market. Members do mock trading and participate in friendly competitions. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Chris Womble | [email protected]
Student Council
Rummel Student Council consists of an executive board, five class councils, and several representatives. Together, these young men plan campus events and advocate for the student body. Membership as a class or executive board officer is by election, though other positions are available.
Moderators: Ms. Kerrie Hutchinson | [email protected] & Ms. Tiffany Matherne | [email protected]
Tabletop Club
Members of the Tabletop Club meet regularly to participate in a number of tabletop board and card games. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Evelio Hernandez | [email protected]
The Raider Yearbook
The Rummel annual yearbook is known as The Raider. The yearbook project is spearheaded by the students of the Rummel Photography class; participation is limited to these students.
Moderator: Mr. Rusty Costanza | [email protected]
The Archbishop Rummel Ambassadors are given the privilege of being a liaison between our school and our Raider community. They exemplify the best of Archbishop Rummel by being high achieving students as well as well-rounded individuals. These are the student leaders that plan campus events, and are tasked with being the first line of contact for the student body, alumni, and prospective future Raiders and their families. Archbishop Rummel Ambassadors exhibit the best qualities of our school at all times by living a life of faith, community, and service as stated in our mission statement.
Moderator: Mr. Maddux Meariman | [email protected]
Art Club
Members of the Art Club work diligently on projects in a diverse range of artistic media for both public and private exposition. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Ms. Danielle McLeod | [email protected]
Big Brothers
Big Brothers is a group of upperclassmen who serve as mentors to the eighth grade class, encouraging them to get involved on campus and helping them become accustomed to life at Rummel. Membership is open only to juniors and seniors and is by application only.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Primes | [email protected]
Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry team serves the faculty, staff, and student body of Archbishop Rummel by promoting the liturgy, running retreats, and inviting the community into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Membership is open only to juniors and seniors and is by application only.
Moderator: Mr. Alex Lorio | [email protected]
Chess Club
The Chess Club Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. David Basile | [email protected]
eSports Team
Still in early development, the eSports Team hopes to soon begin competition in the LHSAA eSports league. Team membership is open to any student who is serious about competitive video gaming.
Moderator: vacant | contact the Director of Student Activities
Fishing Club
The Rummel Fishing Club provides opportunities for students to participate in recreational fishing. During Lent, the Fishing Club hosts Friday Fish Fries on campus after school. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: vacant | contact the Director of Student Activities
Genesian Players
The Genesian Players, named in honor of St. Genesius, is Archbishop Rummel’s theatre group. Their two major stage productions are hosted in the fall and spring, with auditions typically taking place at the beginning of each semester. Membership is open to all Rumm l students and students from local Catholic girls’ schools.
Guitar Club
The Guitar Club promotes the acoustic and electric guitar among students in a wide range of musical styles. Membership is open to any student committed to improving his musical skill.
Moderator: Dr. Brian Credo | [email protected]
The intramurals program takes place exclusively during lunchtime and includes a rotating schedule of sports, including cornhole, basketball, softball, and football. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Matthew Kennedy | [email protected]
Latin Club
The Latin Club celebrates Roman and classical culture, and each spring members compete for the coveted Libertas Trophy in the Ancient Trivia Tournament. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Joshua LeBoeuf | [email protected]
Library Club
Students in the Library Club assist Ms. Lee with helping maintain the library and helping make it a vibrant and scholarly space on campus. Membership is open to all students.
Literary Magazine
Awaiting its first publication in the spring, the Literary Magazine is yet to be named, and it will feature submissions of fiction, photography, and artwork. Any student may submit work for publishing, though not all works will be selected.
Moderator: Dirk Tillman | [email protected]
Leader Academy
Sponsored by Chick-fil-A, the Leader Academy trains the young men of Archbishop Rummel to step into leadership roles and engages them in service to the community. Membership is by application only.
Moderator: Dr. Carol Langston | [email protected]
Math Club
Members of the junior high Math Club compete alongside the members of Mu Alpha Theta in local and state math competitions while pursuing their own development as mathematicians. Membership is open only to eighth and ninth graders; upperclassmen should seek membership in Mu Alpha Theta.
Moderators: Ms. Brianne Bell | [email protected] & Ms. Julie Long | [email protected]
Men of Christ
Founded in the fall of 2023, Men of Christ is a community of Raiders seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in holiness, and share their faith with the world. Members participate in prayer, Bible study, and acts of service. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Primes | [email protected]
Mu Alpha Theta
The honor society for math students, Mu Alpha Theta members represent Rummel at math competitions and work with the underclassmen of Math Club. Membership is open only to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Moderators: Ms. Julie Long | [email protected]
National Honor Society
The four pillars of National Honor Society are scholarship, service, leadership, and character, and members serve year-round as tutors and once per year in a group service project. Membership is by selection of the Faculty Council and is open only to rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Primes | [email protected]
National English Honor Society
NEHS celebrates the achievement of students in their English coursework and in their fiction and nonfiction compositions. Membership is by selection of the Faculty Council and is open only to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Moderators: Ms. Jennifer Drouant | [email protected] & Ms. Ronnie McKenna | [email protected]
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS honors young men who are already exemplary in scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship; members will participate in tutoring, leadership training, and service projects throughout the year. Membership is by selection of the Faculty Council and is open only to freshmen.
Moderator: Ms. Chandler Schonacher | [email protected]
Ping Pong Club
The Ping Pong Club meets after school in the sophomore wing several times per week, and members compete in casual games of table tennis. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Joel Neill | [email protected]
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl is a team academic competition testing all kinds of trivia. The quiz bowl team practices after school and competes on weekends throughout the year. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Joshua LeBoeuf | [email protected]
Raider Band
The Raider Band is a coeducational program with Archbishop Chapelle High School. The programs hosts marching, jazz, and concert bands and has a rigorous competition schedule. Membership is by audition only.
Moderators: Mr. Telly S. Higgins | [email protected] & Mr. Jacob St. Pierre | [email protected]
Raiders’ Digest
Founded in 1962, the Raiders’ Digest is Rummel’s school newspaper. In the 2023-24 school year, Raiders’ Digest will publish four issues. Membership is open to all students interested in writing, reporting, or photography.
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Drouant | [email protected]
Raiders for Life
Members of Raiders for Life promote pro-life causes on campus and in the community, recognizing and defending the dignity of life from conception to natural death. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Brother B | [email protected]
Robotics Team
The Robotics Team designs and builds robots both for fun and for competition. Membership is open to all students willing to learn robotics design.
Moderator: Mr. Bob Whitman | [email protected]
Rummel Streaming Network
RSN produces a regular news segment covering all aspects of campus life. Members participate in interviewing, anchoring, reporting, and video editing. Membership is limited to current and past members of the TV Production course.
Moderator: Mr. Korry Melton | [email protected]
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Club
A club for students interested in any kind of science fiction or fantasy movies, games, books, or media, this group meets regularly to share their interests and promote interest in the genre on campus. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Drouant | [email protected]
Spanish Club
Spanish Club honors Hispanic and Latino cultures and promotes the Spanish language on campus, sponsoring the school’s annual Cinco de Mayo celebration. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Jeffrey Hines | [email protected]
Stock Exchange Club
Students who are interested in business and trading stocks participate in this group to learn more about the market. Members do mock trading and participate in friendly competitions. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Chris Womble | [email protected]
Student Council
Rummel Student Council consists of an executive board, five class councils, and several representatives. Together, these young men plan campus events and advocate for the student body. Membership as a class or executive board officer is by election, though other positions are available.
Moderators: Ms. Kerrie Hutchinson | [email protected] & Ms. Tiffany Matherne | [email protected]
Tabletop Club
Members of the Tabletop Club meet regularly to participate in a number of tabletop board and card games. Membership is open to all students.
Moderator: Mr. Evelio Hernandez | [email protected]
The Raider Yearbook
The Rummel annual yearbook is known as The Raider. The yearbook project is spearheaded by the students of the Rummel Photography class; participation is limited to these students.
Moderator: Mr. Rusty Costanza | [email protected]
Archbishop Rummel High School
1901 Severn Ave. Metairie, LA 70001 Phone: 504-834-5592 Fax: 504-832-4016 [email protected] |
![]() Mission Statement
Archbishop Rummel High School educates each student according to the principles of the Catholic Church in the Lasallian tradition of faith, community, and service. In a caring, disciplined environment of social awareness and academic excellence, Archbishop Rummel High School challenges each student to recognize the dignity of life and to develop and share, to the best of his ability, his unique talents. The schools of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at its schools. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin or disability in administration of their educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Information used with applications will not be used for any unlawful discriminatory purpose.